Home2L - Python API v1.4-0-g38cc (2024-05-25)
Smart Tools for a Private Home
The Home2L package. More...
Classes | |
class | _SwigNonDynamicMeta |
class | CRcEvent |
class | CRcEventDriver |
class | CRcEventProcessor |
class | CRcEventTimer |
class | CRcRequest |
class | CRcSubscriber |
class | CRcValueState |
class | CResource |
class | URcValue |
Functions | |
def | EnvBuildOS () |
def | EnvBuildArch () |
def | EnvMachineName () |
def | EnvExecPathName () |
def | EnvExecName () |
def | EnvInstanceName () |
def | EnvDroidId () |
def | EnvPid () |
def | EnvHaveTerminal () |
def | EnvReadIniFile (fileName, map) |
def | EnvHome2lRoot () |
def | EnvHome2lEtc () |
def | EnvHome2lVar () |
def | EnvHome2lTmp () |
def | EnvGetHome2lRootPath (relOrAbsPath) |
def | EnvGetHome2lEtcPath (relOrAbsPath) |
def | EnvGetHome2lVarPath (relOrAbsPath) |
def | EnvGetHome2lTmpPath (relOrAbsPath) |
def | EnvMkVarDir (relOrAbsPath) |
def | EnvMkTmpDir (relOrAbsPath) |
def | EnvNetResolve (hostAndPort, retHost, retPort=None, defaultPort=0, warn=True) |
def | EnvLocationLatitudeN () |
def | EnvLocationLongitudeE () |
def | EnvInit (argc, argv, specOptionsUsage=None, instanceName=None, noBanner=False) |
def | EnvPrintBanner () |
def | EnvDone () |
def | EnvEnablePersistence (writeThrough=True, _varFileName=None) |
def | EnvFlush () |
def | EnvGet (key) |
def | EnvPut (*args) |
def | EnvDel (key) |
def | RcTypeGetName (t) |
def | RcTypeGetFromName (name) |
def | RcTypeGetBaseType (t) |
def | RcTypeIsStringBased (t) |
def | RcTypeIsUnitType (t) |
def | RcTypeGetUnit (t) |
def | RcTypeIsEnumType (t) |
def | RcTypeGetEnumValues (t) |
def | RcTypeGetEnumValue (t, idx, warn=True) |
def | RcTypeGetEnumIdx (t, value, warn=True) |
def | RcGetUserRequestId () |
def | RcGetUserRequestAttrs () |
def | RcGetHosts () |
def | RcGetHost (*args) |
def | RcGetHostId (host) |
def | RcLocalHostId () |
def | RcHosts () |
Return a list of all known hosts (including our own one as #0). More... | |
def | RcGetDrivers () |
def | RcGetDriver (*args) |
def | RcGetDriverId (cur) |
def | RcDrivers () |
Return a list of all locally defined drivers. More... | |
def | RcLockHostResources (host) |
def | RcGetHostResource (host, n) |
def | RcUnlockHostResources (host) |
def | RcLockDriverResources (driver) |
def | RcGetDriverResource (driver, n) |
def | RcUnlockDriverResources (driver) |
def | RcHostResources (hostName) |
Return all known resources of a remote host. More... | |
def | RcDriverResources (driverName) |
Return all local resources managed by a driver. More... | |
def | RcResources () |
Return a complete list of all known resources. More... | |
def | NewResource (rcName, rcType, func=None, data=None) |
Define a new local resource. More... | |
def | resource (rcName, rcType, data=None) |
Decorator to define a new local resource. More... | |
def | NewGate (rcName, rcType, rcSet, func, subscrId=None) |
Define a new gate. More... | |
def | gate (rcName, rcType, *rcSet) |
Decorator to define a new gate. More... | |
def | GetLocalRc (func) |
Get resource reference of a decorated local resource or gate. More... | |
def | NewSignal (sigName, rcType, defaultVal=None) |
Define a new signal. More... | |
def | NewDriver (drvName, func=None, successState=rcsNoReport, data=None) |
Define a new driver. More... | |
def | driver (drvName, successState=rcsBusy, data=None) |
Decorator to define a new driver. More... | |
def | NewDriverResource (drvName, rcName, rcType, writable=True) |
Define a new resource. More... | |
def | RunOnEvent (func, rcSet, data=None, subscrId=None) |
Define a function to be called on events. More... | |
def | onEvent (*rcSet) |
Decorator to define a function to be called on events. More... | |
def | RunOnUpdate (func, rcSet, data=None, subscrId=None) |
Define a function to be called on value/state changes of resources. More... | |
def | onUpdate (*rcSet) |
Decorator to define a function to be called on value/state changes. More... | |
def | Connect (target, rcSet, func=lambda x:x, attrs=None, id=None, priority=None, t0=None, hysteresis=None, delDelay=None, subscrId=None) |
Define a connector between resources. More... | |
def | connect (target, rcSet, attrs=None, id=None, priority=None, t0=None, hysteresis=None, delDelay=None) |
Decorator to define a connector. More... | |
def | RunAt (func, t=0, dt=0, args=None, subscrId=None) |
Let a function be called at a given time or periodically. More... | |
def | at (t=0, dt=0, args=None) |
Decorator to let a function be called at a given time or periodically. More... | |
def | RunDaily (func, hostSet=None, data=None, subscrId=None) |
Let a function be called daily for setting permanent requests. More... | |
def | daily (*hostSet) |
Decorator to let a function be called daily for setting permanent requests. More... | |
def | TicksNow () |
def | TicksToday () |
def | TicksOfDate (dy, dm, dd) |
def | TicksOfTime (th, tm, ts) |
def | TicksOfSeconds (*args) |
def | TicksOfMillis (ms) |
def | TicksAbsFromMonotic (tm) |
def | TicksMonotonicFromAbs (ta) |
def | TicksAbsStr (ticks) |
def | TicksRelStr (ticks) |
def | TicksAbsOf (something) |
def | TicksRelOf (something) |
def | TicksToPyDateTime (t) |
def | TicksToPyTimeDelta (t) |
def | TicksFromUTC (t) |
def | TicksToUTC (t) |
def | Home2lInit (instance=None, server=False, args=True) |
def | Home2lDone () |
def | Home2lStart () |
End the elaboration and start the background activities of the Home2L package. More... | |
def | Home2lIterate (maxTime=0) |
Iterate Home2L and run all pending callback functions. More... | |
def | Home2lRun () |
Run the Home2L main loop indefinitely (or until stopped). More... | |
def | Home2lStop () |
Let 'Home2lRun()' stop at next occasion. More... | |
Accessing resources ... | |
def | RcGetResource (uri, allowWait=False) |
def | RcGet (uri, allowWait=False) |
def | RcGarbageCollection () |
def | RcBump (rc=None, soft=False) |
Subscriptions (from C/C++ API) ... | |
Low-level operations to directly create and use CRcSubscriber objects. Most probably, you will not need these functions. The preferred way in Python is to use the more compfortable decorators and operations in section "Subscriptions, events and timers (Python API)" below. | |
def | RcNewSubscriber (*args) |
def | RcSubscribe (*args) |
def | RcUnsubscribeFromAll (subscr) |
Placing requests ... | |
Details on the request arguments can be found in the C/C++ API documentation and the Home2L Book. | |
def | RcSetRequest (rc, reqDef=None, attrs=None, value=None, id=None, priority=None, t0=None, t1=None, repeat=None, hysteresis=None, delDelay=None) |
def | RcSetTrigger (rc, attrs=None, id=None, priority=None, t0=None, t1=None, repeat=None, hysteresis=None) |
def | RcDelRequest (rc, id=None, t1=None) |
def | RcSetDefault (rc, reqDef=None, attrs=None, value=None, t0=None, t1=None, repeat=None, hysteresis=None, delDelay=None) |
Drivers (from C/C++ API) ... | |
Low-level operations to directly create and use 'CRcDriver' objects. Most probably, you will not need these functions. The preferred way in Python is to use the more compfortable decorators and operations in module "Home2L / Drivers". | |
def | RcRegisterDriver (drvLid, _successState=rcsNoReport) |
def | RcRegisterResource (*args) |
def | RcRegisterSignal (*args) |
The Home2L package.