void AlarmClockDone()
Shutdown the alarm clock.
void AlarmClockInit()
Initialize the alarm clock.
void AlarmClockSetButton(class CButton *btn)
Define a main button. Its surface is set to indicate the alarm state.
TAlarmClockState AlarmClockGetState()
Get the current alarm clock state.
void AlarmClockSnooze()
"Snooze" button of the alarm clock.
void AlarmClockEnableDisable(bool enable)
Enable/disable alarm clock as a whole.
void AlarmClockHandlePushed(bool enableOff, bool longPush)
Handle a push on (one of) the alarm clock button(s) in the interface.
void AlarmClockRunSetDialog()
Run the setup screen to edit alarm times.
void AlarmClockOff()
"Off" button of the alarm clock => go to standby state.
@ acsSnooze
in snooze state
@ acsAlarmRinging
alarm with internal bell (music player failed)
@ acsAlarmMusicOk
alarm with music player on (for sure)
@ acsAlarmMusicTrying
alarm with music player on (hopefully soon [again])
@ acsStandby
in standby state (wakeup time may be set, but is in the future)
@ acsDisabled
completely off
@ acsAlarmPreRinging
ringing internally initially, before starting the music player