49#define WALLCLOCK_NAME "WallClock"
58void *_AndroidGetJavaVM ();
59#define AndroidGetJavaVM() ((JavaVM *) _AndroidGetJavaVM ())
61static inline void SystemPreInit () {}
220void SystemSetAudioNormal ();
221void SystemSetAudioPhone ();
Phone state (for 'rctPhoneState')
void SystemMute(const char *reqName)
void SystemWakeupStandby()
Wakeup into standby mode; Reset the off timer.
void SystemWakeupActive()
Wakeup into active mode (e.g. due to user interaction); Reset the standby & off timers.
CResource * SystemGetPhoneStateRc()
Get readable resource indicating the reported phone state (may be NULL, if not present).
void SystemReportPhoneState(ERctPhoneState _phoneState)
Report phone state to the phone state resource.
CResource * SystemGetBluetoothRc()
Get readable/writable resource to indicate if bluetooth is generally on.
static void SystemBluetoothToggle()
Toggle the Bluetooth enable status.
static void SystemLaunchApp(const char *appStr)
Launch an (Android) app.
bool SystemIsMuted()
Query the mute state in a polling fashion.
CResource * SystemGetMuteRc()
Get the "mute" resource.
void SystemGoBackground(const char *appStr=NULL)
Move the WallClock (Android) app into the background.
void SystemUnmute(const char *reqName)
bool SystemBluetoothGetState(bool *retBusy=NULL, bool *retAudio=NULL)
Return 'true' iff BT is currently on or switching on.
void SystemStandbyUnlock(const char *reqName, bool withWakeup=true)
Remove the specified standby lock.
void SystemActiveLock(const char *reqName, bool withWakeup=true)
Lock the device in active mode, e.g. during a phone call.
void SystemStandbyLock(const char *reqName, bool withWakeup=true)
Lock the device in standby mode to prevent the screen to be switched off completely,...
CResource * SystemGetBluetoothAudioRc()
Get read-only resource to indicate if BT audio (output) is available.
void SystemActiveUnlock(const char *reqName, bool withWakeup=true)
Remove the specified active lock.
void SystemReportUiVisibility(bool foreNotBack)
Report background/foreground state from UI system (for 'ui_base.C').
void SystemGoForeground()
Move the WallClock (Android) app into the foreground again.
static void SystemWakeup()
Unspecific wakeup (redirects to SystemWakeupActive() ).
void SystemBluetoothSet(bool enable)
Generally enable or disable Bluetooth.
ESystemMode SystemGetMode()
Get the current system mode.
@ smBackground
Application is in background (e.g. other application in focus).
@ smActive
Screen is in active mode (bright, e.g. during user interaction)
@ smStandby
Screen is in standby mode (not bright, but visible).
@ smNone
Uninitialized; Value must not be used after initialization.